
Taxshe Cab Services: Coping with COVID-19

Kishinchand Poornima Wasdani, Abhishek Vijaygopal, Matthew J. Manimala

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; General Management/Strategy
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:entrepreneurship;cab services;enterprise scale;women empowerment;safety;gender equality;taxi;
難易度:2 - Intro/Undergraduate
內容長度:8 頁
產業:Transportation and Warehousing

A former investment banking professional had her eureka moment when she noticed instances of assaults on single women travelling alone in taxi cabs at odd times of the day. The prevalence of these instances led her to begin a safe cab service run by women for women—Taxshe Services Pvt. Ltd. (Taxshe), located in Bengaluru, India. In March 2020, the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic began in India, and a lockdown was announced as a preventive measure. Taxshe, whose customers mainly comprised working women and school-going children, faced a significant challenge, as the sudden changes and stringent restrictions brought on by the lockdown precipitated a substantial drop in the need for cab services. Taxshe’s founder contemplated the company’s dilemma and consulted people from across her wide network of personal and professional acquaintances. How could she keep Taxshe up and running in spite of the restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic? What value-added specialty services could Taxshe offer as a cab service during the pandemic that would benefit society at large?
