
Lumiere: Supporting a Virtual Workspace on the Cloud

Deepa Ray; Lakshminaryana Seshadri Subramanian;

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; International Business; Information Systems
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Cloud computing;BPR;technology adoption;SaaS
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:11 頁
產業:Other Services;

In early 2015, the chief information officer at Lumiere Business Solutions (Lumiere) was reflecting on the impact of technology on the company’s business performance. Lumiere had been using cloud technology to provide clients and employees 24/7 access to project progress and documentation. Clients appreciated the fact that, despite being a small firm, Lumiere was as competitive and quick to respond as any other big market-research company. What were the factors that had made this adoption easy? How much of the firm’s efficiency could be attributed to the cloud? So far, most of Lumiere’s applications on the cloud had been sourced from Google Marketplace, but with other players like Microsoft getting into cloud technology aggressively, should Lumiere start to explore these new offerings as well? Given the trade-offs that Lumiere had made while choosing the cloud, would this technology continue to pay off in the future?
