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Alsea: A New CEO Comes on Board
作者姓名:Jose Antonio Davila; Ernesto Bolio; Rod E. White; W. Glenn Rowe; Selena Shannon Pritchard;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B17M112
出版日期:2017/07/21內容長度:15 頁

Alsea was a Mexican-based, family-founded conglomerate operating in six countries in Latin America and Spain. It was a master franchiser for such well-known brands as Starbucks, Domino’s, and Burger King. In late 2016, after years of dramatic growth, Alsea appointed its first chief executive officer (CEO) who was not a family member or had not been involved with the company’s founding or early development. However, family members continued to occupy .....more