
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - The New Horizon Farms Dilemma

David Sparling; Steven Koeckhoven;

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; General Management/Strategy; Organizational Behaviour/Leadership
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Public/Private Partnerships;Aboriginal Issues;Strategy;Policy;Canada
難易度:5 - MBA/Postgraduate
內容長度:15 頁
產業:Agriculture; Forestry; Fishing and Hunting;

The director of Lands and Economic Development in the Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) must make recommendations on how to handle challenges around a large farming company that leases land from First Nation communities in Western Canada. New Horizon Farms (NHF) has already leased over 180,000 acres from First Nation communities and plans to grow to 1 million acres. An immediate challenge is the leasing process whereby INAC must review and sign leases and receive lease payments, which are later turned over to the First Nation. The process slows the partnering process and the speed of cash flow to First Nations and many First Nations object to government control over their land on principle. However, without INAC involved, the leases are not legally enforceable, an essential factor for NHF and their public parent company. NHF provides leasing revenue but also training, employment and shares in the company to the First Nations they partner with. On the surface it looks like a good opportunity but it raises several questions for policy makers. Will NHF’s control of 1 million acres of First Nation land be seen as a form of economic colonialism? How does this kind of initiative fit with INAC’s and First Nations’ mandates to improve economic and social conditions among First Nation communities? How will the provinces and neighbouring communities perceive and react to the situation?New Horizon Farms also needs to consider its long term strategy. Will the operation meet its target of 1 million acres? What are the risks for the company? How should it approach the training issue now that funding has finished?
