
Myers' Fitness: A Launching Dilemma for a Boot Camp

Elizabeth M.A. Grasby; Jessica Bond;

商品主題:Accounting; Entrepreneurship
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:health services;cost/benefit analysis;management accounting
難易度:1 - Introductory
內容長度:6 頁
產業:Arts; Entertainment; Sports and Recreation;

In 2016, a recently retired artilleryman from the Canadian Armed Forces was planning his next steps as a civilian. He had always been passionate about healthy lifestyles, and his sense of entrepreneurship led him to consider the viability of launching a series of fitness boot camps, based on different skill levels and age groups. He saw this boot camp idea as a way of providing health services to a group of clients who were already interested in exercise but who might become more involved if their fitness activities were held outdoors. He could either launch the boot camps on his own or partner with a small local gym. He needed to earn $2,000 after all expenses per month from May to August each year for the business to be feasible. The gym offered him cost-saving options, but was he ready to share his revenue with a partner?
