
ROQ.AD and the Ad-Tech Industry

Christopher Williams; Umair Shafique;

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; General Management/Strategy; International Business
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Ad-tech;advertising;peripherals;adware;new venture;nearshoring;business models;advertising technology;mergers and acquisitions;M&A;media platforms;mobile advertising
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:10 頁
地域:Germany, Poland
產業:Information; Media & Telecommunications;

By August 2015, Berlin-based advertising technology venture Roq.ad had grown from a chance encounter between its two co-founders to become a revenue generating operation with 18 full-time employees in Germany and Poland -- in just 10 months. Their goal was to develop new cross-device, user-recognition technology that would enable advertisers to accurately target consumers across a range of devices such as personal computers and peripheral devices. Roq.ad’s co-founders had decided from the beginning not to seek out venture capital and instead to retain tight control of their business. Given the lead time needed to develop technology, they had also decided to use an industry-standard agency model for generating revenues that would be used to fund the development of technology and the eventual launch of the program. As Roq.ad approached the end of its first year in business, the co-founders faced an important strategic challenge: How could they successfully transform the company from its initial mobile-advertising agency model to become Europe’s number one provider of cross-device, user-recognition technology?
