
Urban Plus Infrabuild: Making Choices for the Future

Sonal Singh; Rajesh Pillania;

商品主題:General Management/Strategy
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Startup;real estate sector;housing;cash flow;family funds;first year performance;ethics;employee behaviour
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:13 頁
產業:Real Estate and Rental and Leasing;

Urban Plus Infrabuild Pvt. Ltd. was a real estate brokerage company started in 2009 in Gurgaon, India, by a young MBA professional. In February 2010, he was considering the various issues he was faced with in day-to-day business activities. The company provided both resale and new bookings services, with a focus on the residential sector. The resale business was needed for immediate and substantial cash inflows to sustain the company’s growth. The new bookings business was also crucial to capture more market share and achieve aggressive growth. However, confronted with multiple hurdles, the company had slow business growth in its initial year. It appeared that handling both types of businesses was becoming a challenge. A recent incident involving one employee’s unethical behaviour in a resale transaction had forced the company to carefully consider its strategic plan. What strategy would the company need to compete in its sector and achieve its long term goals?
