
Robo-advisors to Humans: We Come in Peace

Chuck Grace; Romina Maurino

涵蓋議題:fintech, robo-advisors, automation anxiety, financial services
難易度: -
內容長度:4 頁

Robo-advisors and financial technology tend to evoke as much excitement as they do fear. But what if the best fintech applications could be used to help both advisors and clients? What if there were changes that could be implemented without a major regulatory overhaul? After sessions with thought leaders in 2017, the authors found that bankers, dealers, vendors, start-up executives, consultants, regulators, academics, students, and advisors all seemed to agree that digital technology created an opportunity for better advice. What was missing was the motivation to make it happen—and a framework for proper implementation. The latter are laid out in “Financial Advice in Canada: A Way Forward” by the Ivey Business School and the Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab. One of the most important discoveries was affirming that while certain tasks should be automated, there will always be room for human advisors. There are some things humans do better, such as soothe a panicked client’s nerves, or figure out when they’re being lied to. Machines, meanwhile, perform analysis, complex calculations, and due diligence more efficiently than people. Financial technology offers the advantage of freeing up time so a dealer or wealth manager can focus on client relations or development instead of menial tasks. It’s a win for clients, who are used to doing so much on their phones or tablets. Ultimately, it’s not the technology itself that may pose a barrier to digitized advice, but rather the lack of infrastructure to share information.
