
Neat and Clean Solutions: The Growth Challenge

Meeta Dasgupta;

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; General Management/Strategy; International Business
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:start-up;new venture;business strategy
難易度:3 - Undergraduate
內容長度:9 頁
產業:Other Services;

In 2018, Neat and Clean Solutions (Neat and Clean), a cleaning services start-up in Gurgaon, India, had grown steadily in its 10 years of operations. Its founder realized the importance of building trust with clients and knew that modifying the cleaning process to suit Indian market conditions and the skill set of his team was critical to outsmarting the mounting competition in his industry. However, with an increase in population and the number of residential complexes in the business’s target area, there was a huge market of potential clients available. Although Neat and Clean had managed over the years with the same set-up, its founder wanted to expand so that he could have an office, buy new equipment and more vehicles, operate in multiple strategic locations, and employ more people. Unfortunately, he lacked the necessary funds to make these changes himself. Now he must decide whether to expand the scale of his operations and who to approach for the necessary funding.
