
Valley Carriers (A): Establishing Status in a Family Business

Vanessa M. Strike;

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; General Management/Strategy
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:family business;leadership;professionalization;governance
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:8 頁
產業:Agriculture; Forestry; Fishing and Hunting;

For over five years, the third generation (G3) of Valley Pulp & Sawdust Carriers, Ltd. had been laying the foundation for the professionalization of the family firm. However, it was met with resistance from the second generation (G2). G3 had no ownership in the family business, and no true leadership role. At the management meetings, only four votes counted—the four votes of G2 members who were shareholders of the business. G3 members needed a commitment and clarification regarding their roles and future in the company. The question was how to approach G2. The G3 cousins knew that the challenge for them to garner G2’s respect and to have G2 understand G3’s roles and contribution to the family business would be nothing short of daunting.This case series also includes Valley Carriers (B): Working on Versus Working in the Business 9B16M096 and Valley Carriers (C): Restructuring the Governance of the Family Firm 9B16M097.

補充材料:9B16M096; 9B16M097;