
Totally Tidy by Tilly

Elizabeth M.A. Grasby; Brian Langen;

商品主題:Accounting; Entrepreneurship
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:cash budgeting;marketing management;entrepreneurial marketing
難易度:1 - Introductory
內容長度:10 頁
產業:Other Services;

Spring cleaning season 2015 was about to begin in a small community north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and a prospective business owner was deciding whether to launch a new business. Totally Tidy by Tilly would provide cleaning services, professional organizing services, or both. Before moving forward, this new entrepreneur first needed to understand the environment for her new venture. Based on that understanding, she needed to decide what services to offer and at what prices, and how best to promote her new business. To determine financial feasibility, she projected the company's financial performance for the first three years of operations. Should the entrepreneur stay close to home, within her community, or would a viable and profitable business plan involve a larger area? Would the business provide a reasonable income, or would this significant change in her lifestyle only prevent her from enjoying the flexibility of being a stay-at-home parent?
