
Kfar Giladi Quarries: Crisis During an Economic Recession

Sara Edom; Ilan Alon; Jennifer Dugosh;

商品主題:General Management/Strategy; International Business
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Corporate restructure;business recovery program;human resources;strategic planning;Israel
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:15 頁
產業:Mining; Quarrying; and Oil and Gas Extraction;

Kfar Giladi Quarries (KGQ), situated in northern Israel, faces a crisis: the national economy is in recession; the government budget for infrastructure development and construction, on which the company depends, has been reduced; transportation and distribution problems limit its ability to export (or import) cheap raw materials; and there is increasing competition in the industry. The company had recently dissolved its partnership with Malibu Israel Company Ltd., an international company that had given it access to the central part of Israel where most infrastructure and construction jobs and investments are located. The result has been loss in business and a negative cash flow. The case allows students to practise basic tools for strategic planning and permits guidance to companies hesitating over a recovery program, especially during an economic recession; companies in a reorganization phase after separation from a partner; and/or companies that have to shift their management paradigm.
