
Please Stop Working So Hard!

June Cotte; Seung Hwan (Mark) Lee

商品主題:Human Resource Management
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)
涵蓋議題:Worker Participation;Leadership;Labour Unions;Employee Grievances
難易度:1 - Introductory
內容長度:2 頁
產業:Machinery except Electrical

A new production supervisor at an automobile engine plant has encountered his first challenging task. The production supervisor must find a way to diffuse the tension between his team leader and other machine operators on the line. The team leader, the hardest worker among the group, was repeatedly criticized for over-exerting himself in many areas of the line. The workers feared that their jobs would be in jeopardy if workaholics like the team leader started undertaking multiple tasks. In addition, the workers began to feel that they were receiving unequal treatment from the production supervisor as the team leader was given special permission to break team norms. As the morale of the group continued to deteriorate, the production supervisor wanted to confront the team leader about this unique quandary. The production supervisor needed to figure out a solution to best please the team leader and the entire group.
