
Roaring Dragon Hotel

Stephen Grainger

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; General Management/Strategy; International Business
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Cross Cultural Communication;Cultural Sensitivity;Cross Cultural Management;Strategic Planning
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:7 頁
產業:Hotels; Rooming Houses; Camps

The case looks at the takeover of the Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH), a state owned enterprise in south-west China, by global hotelier Hotel International (HI) and discusses the cultural collision and organizational adoptions resulting from the intersections of two significantly different business cultures. Specifically in this case, the focus is on the challenge involved with downsizing, redundancy, communication, cultural sensitivity, strategic planning and in developing strategy. In south-west China in 2002, the RDH business environment was just emerging from the shadow of the planned economy and had retained its guanxi-based organizational culture. At RDH, relationship development and the exchange of favors were still important and occurring on a daily basis and there was little system or efficiency in the hotel's domestic management style and processes. In comparison, Hotel International had a wealth of international experience in providing accommodation, marketing and professional management in servicing the needs of a global market steeped in corporate governance. At the commencement of the management contract there was a deep division separating the organizational cultures of RHD and HI.
