
3M Chile - Health Care Products (A)

Terry H. Deutscher; Daniel D. Campbell

商品主題:International Business; Marketing
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Management in a Global Environment;Marketing Channels;Marketing Research;International Marketing
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:17 頁
地域:Chile; USA
產業:Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods

Looking for a creative option to promote 3M products to medical professionals, a 3M Chile sales manager developed the idea of a first-aid kit or "botiquin" that could be used as a promotional gift. Managers at the company's world headquarters had not previously focused on branded first-aid kits. It was the same all over the world, a plain white box with the red cross in front. "You just can't brand a first-aid kit!" they replied. At the same time, the Chilean managers lacked the resources necessary for adequate market research. Should they go ahead with the botiquin concept anyway? If they did, questions such as channels, packaging, promotion, and pricing, would still have to be addressed. (A sequel to this case is available, titled 3M Chile - Health Care Products (B), case 9A99A005.)
