
Intelligent Avionics: Breaking into the Inflight Entertainment Industry

Rob Britton; Robert Mackalski; Mary Dellar; Mary Towers;

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; International Business; Marketing
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:airlines;inflight entertainment;new product development
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:12 頁
地域:United States; Globally Dispersed Organization
產業:Transportation and Warehousing;

Intelligent Avionics (IA) was an entrepreneurial company launching three inflight entertainment (IFE) systems. In April 2012, with a small development team working on the IFE system designs simultaneously, the time had come to meet with IA’s leaders to determine where the company should focus its efforts. The company’s vice-president of marketing contemplated which lines the company should bring to market and wondered how IA should market and launch its offerings. In addition, organizational and locational issues gnawed at him. He struggled with the company’s virtual structure, given that IA was composed of fewer than 15 staff members living in five different countries. As he contemplated how the structure was affecting IA’s effectiveness, he asked himself who IA’s target market should be.
