
Religion in the Workplace: The British Airways Cross Controversy

Alexandra Roth; David T.A. Wesley;

商品主題:International Business; Organizational Behaviour/Leadership
商品類型:Case (Library)
涵蓋議題:Human Resources Management, Employee Grievance, Employee Relations, Discrimination
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:2 頁
地域:United Kingdom
產業:Food and Kindred Products;

British Airways takes a strictly secular approach to religion in the workplace, banning any outward symbols of faith. This policy extended to the wearing of jewellry with religious symbolism. One employee who originally complied with the ban protested after she found out that the company had made accommodations to other faiths, such as allowing Sikhs to wear turbans. She then decided to wear a cross pendant in protest of the company’s perceived discriminatory policies. When British Airways disciplined the employee, it caused a public backlash by religious leaders and public supporters of the employee. The backlash against British Airways means that even a favourable ruling by the employment tribunal will have negative consequences for the company’s public image.
