
Santa Fe Relocation Services: Regional Brand Management

Niraj Dawar; Nigel Goodwin

商品主題:International Business; Marketing
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Competitor Analysis;Brand Positioning;Brand Extension;International Marketing
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:18 頁
地域:Hong Kong; Asia Pacific
產業:Transportation Services

Sante Fe Relocation Services was a premium provider of relocation services based in Hong Kong. Founded in 1980, the company had built a reputation as a reliable, high-quality packer and mover of household goods. By 2000, the company also offered a full range of relocation support services including visa and immigration applications, home searching and cultural and language training. Santa Fe relocated expatriates and their families between Asian countries and between Asia and other regions. The company had its own staff and assets in Asia and managed its international operations through a network of partners. In 2005, the chief operating officer faced three key challenges: differentiating and positioning the brand in a crowded and often price-driven market; incorporating an expanded service line under the original brand and gaining market recognition for those additional services; and managing the brand across the Asian region with an effective balance of standardization versus local adaptation.
