
OP4.com: Choosing a Web Site Design Agency

Scott L. Schneberger; Ken Mark

商品主題:Entrepreneurship; Management Science
商品類型:Case (Field)
涵蓋議題:Action Planning and Implementation;E-Commerce;Agency;Site Selection
難易度:4 - Undergraduate/MBA
內容長度:14 頁
地域:United States
產業:Amusement and Recreation Services

OP4.com's objective was to build a "portal," an Internet site to attract and retain a large number of its visitors by providing multiple features and site products wanted by its audience; OP4.com's target audience was teenagers. The Vancouver-based company had just secured one-half million dollars in private placement financing from a prominent West Coast venture capitalist. The business CEO of OP4.com was anxious to get the Web site developed. There were many factors to consider in designing and developing a Web site. The Web agency would be key to the success of the company because the Web site was the first customer interface. He was not confident that their current Web agency understood what would appeal to their audience so he asked another agency to submit a proposal. This second agency, known for its innovative Web design, was considerably more expensive. He needed to decide quickly which agency to use.
